When Static & Blur was still only an idea, we knew we needed a logo and we knew who we wanted to design it, Rick Byrne.
Our co-founder, William, had met Rick years ago and felt like he would bring the right approach to the design for a start-up music site. The marque had to convey a sense of movement and stage presence. We think Rick accomplished both. The logo even won gold at the Indigo Design awards.
The design process had its starts and stops, though. Rick was diagnosed with leukemia shortly after taking the assignment. It meant long pauses while Rick was in the hospital for treatment. He wanted to finish the job, though, and we were willing to wait for as long as it took.
Rick died last week, just a few days short of his 55th birthday, and his memorial service is today. We hope that the Static & Blur logo will continue to be a small testament to his talent and legacy.
We mourn for his wife, Stacy, sons Richard and Aidan, and Rick’s family and friends. His last words were, “I love you.”

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